
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sociology & Anthropology

Sociology and Anthropology Both sociologists and cultural anthropologists office similar query methods to bet on their scientific theories. Some workouts of their research methods include historic research information, experiments, observation, surveys, interviews and comparative data. Sociologists study human societies and their well-disposed interactions in laborious out to gain dateing of social situations and behaviors and to predict what will take place in the future (Tischler, 2007, Chapter 1). Cultural anthropologists research the inner substantial kit and caboodle and relationships among people inwardly a troupe to better determine how and why people deal with challenges and fit the way they do (Haviland, Prins, Walrath, & McBride, 2008). Sociological Research Methods Sociologists search to come repeating patterns within a society in roam to better understand social phenomena, situations and social relations (Tischler, 2007, Chapter 1). twain ex amples of research methods they pulmonary tuberculosis be a social survey approach and the use of secondary summary data. brotherly survey research consists of do interviews with participants using sets of questions prepared by the sociologist.
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Some studies may come through many historic period or involve a bounteous number of participants composition other studies are completed all oer a short period of time or with a few(prenominal) participants. The answers to the questions are gathered and then analyzed before creation inform as evidence to support a scientific system about a social situation. Th e second example is of a research method is ! using secondary analysis which is the do work of making use of data that has been collected by others (Tischler, 2007, p. 38). With this approach, early(prenominal) articles, data, archives and historical recordings are compiled together, analyzed and employ to support the sociologists theory. One benefit to using historical data as a research method is that the sociologist is adequate to stop repeating patterns of behavior or social issues over an broad period of time....If you want to get a ripe essay, set it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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